Healing Sounds
The Meditative Nirvata Pulse Bodywork

In my experience of many forms of meditation and bodywork Nirvata Pulse Bodywork stands out as being one of the most potent methods of today. And yet this virtually unknown practice has had amazing success on the international self-help and personal growth scene.
Unlike other body work which is available today Nirvata Pulse Bodywork has as its motor force the pulse beat. When for example you hold pain or tension within the body it is gathered within the soft tissues and has roots all the way down to the bone.
These tensions are vulnerable to the pulse beat and release effortlessly as if re-united with a long awaited lover. They simply dissolve in the relaxation produced as an effect of a loving pulsing touch. Combining the pulse beat with sound usage we have a powerful healing tool.
An ancient process through which consciousness or electrical current is focused into an area of the body, is by the use of sound. We generate electricity by making sounds. By creating a sound, we can ex-press pain. When an infant’s stomach is hurting he makes a sound, he expresses a sound frequency. If you place your hand on his stomach at the same time, you will find that his stomach is instinctively vibrating.
The same thing happens if you are hammering and you hit your finger. Instinctively you shake it, and you make a sound. It comes out of your subconscious. This way of healing pain through the expression of sound is an experience shared by every human being and most animals.
Pain, suffering and anger are forms of psychological pain that are most effectively dealt with through the expression of sound. It is the first form of self-healing that we consciously participate in. When a child does it, we call it crying. Actually the child is not crying; he is not reaching out to attract energy from the outside, he is reaching in to express a negative vibration that is occurring inside.
He is trying to express that, to get it out of himself. By making a sound which vibrates the area where the pain is occurring, we send that pain out. This becomes the process of crying. It becomes so instinctive, so automatic, that like any other automatic function, it goes into the subconscious.
It is still possible to plug into that instinctive level of sound usage and to use it in a much more sophisticated way, as effectively as we did when we were children. Now we have much more sophisticated kinds of pain, but we also have much more sophisticated kinds of sound usage.
When disease occurs in a specific region, it affects the sound vibration of that region. The region itself becomes “unsound.” The electrical force is affected, or altered in that area. Disease shuts off the electricity, it shuts off the power. When we damage the liver by for instance, taking in substances which are too difficult to assimilate, like lots of chocolate or too much alcohol, it starts responding negatively.
What we feel is a sense of depression at the emotional level and guilt at the instinctive level. We feel bad that we did something: “Oh no, I will never do it again…” What is happening is the liver is blocked up, it is overworked, and it is not getting the necessary energy to perform its function. It is complaining to your brain by sending impulses which the brain interprets as depression, as feeling bad. When you start feeling bad, when you start feeling guilty, it means that your liver is overworked. It needs some energy, it needs some stimulation.
The energy that it needs is electrical energy. One way of producing that electricity is by stimulating through sound, and the volume of that sound stimulates the volume of electrical input.
Simply put your hands on the place where the pain is and feel for the pulse. Close your eyes, and inside with your voice, touching that place where it is pulsing. Every time you touch it with your voice, you stimulate it. An electrical flow starts to pass through the area. You are giving it a little more juice, a little more energy, and that is the help it needs.
You can do this wherever the pain is in the body. If you have a cramp in the knee, the electrical energy has gotten shut off. The nerves have gotten shut down somehow. The way to open it back up is to touch the knee with the hands, feel for the pulse beat there, and, going inside hit the knee with your voice.
Just three times and you will start feeling it, six times, and the pain starts to be alleviated. Nine times, and you start almost to enjoy the pain. The interpretation of the sensations is so significantly altered, that it is no longer a pain, it is simply a strong sensation. By twelve times, the area will be saturated by what are called “endorphins”, the body‘s natural painkillers.
Endorphins are released by sound frequencies and then directed by pulses from the heart to the area where they are needed. By making a sound that vibrates the area, you are releasing the pain or suffering. By holding the pulse beat with your hands at that point, you are pulling the endorphins through the system towards that area.
By the time you make twelve repetitions of a full breath of sound, you forget it is even hurting. Your releasing your natural healing force and, with the pulse beat directing it into the area of your pain, whatever that area is. While holding a sensitive pulsing touch with your hands, remember that when you hit at exactly the right point, the sound produces an overtone in the voice. That overtone is what releases the endorphins into the system.
And the pulse beat that you can continue feeling at the point of pressure brings those endorphins to that location in the body. Keep repeating the sound, keep vibrating and pulsing that area and very soon the pain is gone. It is a natural healing process. Pain is turned into pleasure and is simply released from the system.
In these high technological times we are blessed with many very creative musical artists. These musicians produce music that has an essential quality of continuity. The continuity of the music combined with a sensitive pulsing touch works well to release the endorphins in healing. Not all music has continuity but when it has the right overtone, the pulse ignites.
This is the heart beat meditation. Touching another through the pulse beat you touch their heart, this then produces deep relaxation and natural healing happens.
Article by Swami Prem Nirvata